Beeper Collars

This dog training collar functions in two modes: run/point and point. Both modes can be used according to the hunters’ preference and need. Depending on the terrain, most would use these modes alternately often changing when their dog’s in sight or when one dog is missing. Mode shifting comes easy with the beeper collar when the terrain allows it and the winds are not running at 40-50kph.

The beeper collar works with the use of motion sensors that is dependent on the dogs movement, while the beep signals what the dog is doing. Hunters keep track of their dogs movements by listening to the “beeps” which can mean it’s quartering (5-10 sec.) or 1 sec. beeps signals that the dog is on point.

The beeper collar can run more than one dog and enables the hunter to keep track of all of them with a flick of a knob or a twist of a dial, and a press of a button in some brands. Today’s beeper collar units come with LCD screens, no-slip grip transceivers, water-proof receivers and transceivers. These added features are thrown in for additional function of the beeper collar. Some beeper collar brands can also work combined with dog tracking collars, specifically when beepers and bells just wont work.

Switching is a feature often ignored to the detriment of a hunter’s session. The best beeper collar brands allow you to switch modes on one dog and resume run/point with the others. This feature is convenient especially when a dog goes missing. You can just concern yourself with finding it while the other goes to the dog on point. Beeper collars are great for multi-tasking: as you listen to your dogs’ movements while you bag the nearest quarry and move onto the next in continuous activity.

Since beeper collars are numerous, choosing one of quality must be based on: function, features and brand. All the same, it is best to visit stores or e-stores to be guided on which dog training collar you and your dog needs.